Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I like following the photos this girl posts on ( is the first one I've seen her do comfy casual and I like it :)

She also blogs and thankfully we there is an English translation too (

Modern man parting the waters

Since we've taken all the land we could from animals, we are now going to take it away from marine animals as well ;) I guess oil spills, polluting the water, and killing reefs isn't enough

All joking aside, this is a cool idea...I just hope this doesn't get off any alarms for marine biologists.

The concept is to build two thick parallel walls through the narrow waterway between the USA and Russia. Connecting the two counties and also evolving the aquarium experience!!!

For a better explanation, check out the site I pulled the image from:

The Queen of Pop

She can rock any any age!

In the photo on the right, she is wearing Balmain...I love everything about their collection this season. The rocker chic look is so we just need to figure out how to make it an everyday look (and wear these special pieces more than once) ;)

Louis Vuitton can't go wrong with their ad campaigns and Madonna's personality isn't lost behind the clothes. Her waist looks so tiny in the middle picture!

In the first picture she is wearing a Givenchy dress...but I like how her thigh high boots are super tight from thigh to calves. I have muscular thighs, so i think I can only wear tight thigh highs.

Got this image from one of my favorite sites:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finding a new addication

I just kicked my wow addiction and have already done enough damage to my bank account that I need a new activity to pass the time. Not that I have a lot of time...but this is my next venture into finding something to do on those lazy days.