Friday, December 4, 2009

Hitting the slopes of Whistler

During thanksgiving, instead of carving a turkey, my friends and I carved the slopes of Whistler. As someone who learned playing on the east coast i have to say I was blown away by everything!!! I only got two full days but it was awesome...i played it a little safe cuz my wrist starting hurting again :( - from my tendonitis during no means am i an active person, the only running i do is to the subway haha...i got tendonitis from too much computer and carrying heavy stuff (probably my groceries)

We reached the hotel around 2pm...quickly changed and went up the slopes right away...unfortunately the lifts are only open until we only got one run in. On the second day, i must have psyched myself out or something cuz my legs were shaking (i was either too excited or just not in shape haha). The conditions weren't amazing but they were better than what I am use to. One new thing I experienced was ice snowballs all over the trail (around the end of the day)...i guess that's what happens with powder, it was annoying but i had to make the most of my time on the trails. That night it started snowing, so in the morning of day three we got fresh powder!!!!! i even went off trail for the first time hehe...the powder was so high it was insane...i think it takes a lot of energy to play in powder cuz its harder to make those turns.

Since I haven't been active over the summer I had to make sure I didn't tire easily on the slopes, so I had an average of 4 full meals a day and snacks on the like everyone else, I managed to put on weight during the holidays haha (2 kgs)

While there...i was in love with their poutine...i loved it, my favorite place to eat there was actually a food stand called Zog. Good comfort food...poutine, burgers with chili and sauteed onions, and hot dogs with meat sauce...and lets not forget real cheese on everything haha

The drive from the airport to Whistler was pretty nice, I was told my a local, that it is the fifth most beautiful road side view. It really was...i was only use to seeing these views on tv or in the movies haha, the mountains and lakes right next to each other is new to me

here are some pix of the trip...

Here is the Zog Dog:

View from the lodge half way up Whistler:

The symbol of the Vancouver Winter Olympics came from this:

More 2010 Winter Olympic stuff:

This is the view from 7-Eleven!!! I am so jealous:

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