Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bergdorf's Sale & Bloomingdales shopping spree

Yesterday I dropped by Bergdorfs and had a blast in the shoe department. They had a decent bag selection, however, I have maxed my bag quota for the year. So walked straight past that part haha

I think yesterday just wasn't my day :( I fell in love with two pairs of shoes and both were just 1/2 a size too small. Neither were leather, so I didn't have much hope for stretching it out. The main pair that kept me there for over an hour was a pair of flat Christian Louboutins.
I was super close to buying them....but then finally my voice of reason (a friend who I was bbming with) stopped me. I guess it was a good thing I didn't buy them because I was able to do a lot more damage today haha. I think I was in love with them because it made my feet look nice and slender but that is probably due to the fact that it was 1/2 a size too small.

Fast forward to today, I had a ball in bloomingdales...I really think the our stars are aligned because I always walk out with my hands full of bags but an empty wallet. But I love everything I got.

1. A Marc bag for my mom
2. A DVF dress (I am holding on to this for a wedding)
3. A grey leather Alice and Olivia jacket

I found a lot of cool things for my sis, but didn't get them for her, because she shouldn't be using stuff that expensive at her age (we are 11 yrs apart). However, I think I will go back and get it for her now because for every 100s you spend at Bloomingdales today, you get a certificate of $15 off for future purchases of $75 and up. Since it starts tomorrow, I think I can justify the bag for my sis.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hitting the slopes of Whistler

During thanksgiving, instead of carving a turkey, my friends and I carved the slopes of Whistler. As someone who learned playing on the east coast i have to say I was blown away by everything!!! I only got two full days but it was awesome...i played it a little safe cuz my wrist starting hurting again :( - from my tendonitis during no means am i an active person, the only running i do is to the subway haha...i got tendonitis from too much computer and carrying heavy stuff (probably my groceries)

We reached the hotel around 2pm...quickly changed and went up the slopes right away...unfortunately the lifts are only open until we only got one run in. On the second day, i must have psyched myself out or something cuz my legs were shaking (i was either too excited or just not in shape haha). The conditions weren't amazing but they were better than what I am use to. One new thing I experienced was ice snowballs all over the trail (around the end of the day)...i guess that's what happens with powder, it was annoying but i had to make the most of my time on the trails. That night it started snowing, so in the morning of day three we got fresh powder!!!!! i even went off trail for the first time hehe...the powder was so high it was insane...i think it takes a lot of energy to play in powder cuz its harder to make those turns.

Since I haven't been active over the summer I had to make sure I didn't tire easily on the slopes, so I had an average of 4 full meals a day and snacks on the like everyone else, I managed to put on weight during the holidays haha (2 kgs)

While there...i was in love with their poutine...i loved it, my favorite place to eat there was actually a food stand called Zog. Good comfort food...poutine, burgers with chili and sauteed onions, and hot dogs with meat sauce...and lets not forget real cheese on everything haha

The drive from the airport to Whistler was pretty nice, I was told my a local, that it is the fifth most beautiful road side view. It really was...i was only use to seeing these views on tv or in the movies haha, the mountains and lakes right next to each other is new to me

here are some pix of the trip...

Here is the Zog Dog:

View from the lodge half way up Whistler:

The symbol of the Vancouver Winter Olympics came from this:

More 2010 Winter Olympic stuff:

This is the view from 7-Eleven!!! I am so jealous:

Prada Sale

So many sales...not enough time

Thursday, December 3, 2009

YSL Sale

Here is another sale...and for once this isn't a new york only sale haha

Update on Bergdorf

My friend said the sale is really good she is going back again. So I would recommend checking that out before anything else ;)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

B.B.S. Sales

Barney's....Bergdorf...Saks....all have sales starting tomorrow or Thursday

Bergdorf and Barney's are starting tomorrow. As for Saks, their mark down begins Thursday, but if you can't hold off, you can always enjoy the presale ;)

Rhode Island - Little Compton Day 3

Day 3: We forgot to book our Kayaks (as I said earlier, if you wanted to do anything after Sept you had to book in advance) so we drove down to a local beach, went apple picking, stopped at a horse stable and farmers market. It was amazing, the farmer's market was a help yourself store, see the picture below:

Overall...the people in Little Compton were amazing, they were all super friendly and helpful...I was just blown away by their hospitality (especially at the hotel). At the horse stable, we weren't going to ride or anything and they still took us on a tour and showed us some of the tricks their show horses could do. Little Compton is a cute little relaxing place to go and enjoy the peace and quiet and get a little in touch with nature.

Rhode Island - Little Compton Day 2

Day 2: We woke up to a really amazing breakfast...the first day I had an omelette and really good danishes. The staff at Stonehouse was amazing and took really good care of us. While we were driving to R.I. they were constantly looking for golf course for the boys and booking the spa treatments for the girls. I got the Sea Mudd Purifying Envelopment, I thought it was ok. I originally wanted the Sea Luxe Healing Cocoon but they told me I couldn't have any wine 24hrs after wards (and I only drink one glass a night) and didn't want to risk it because I wasn't sure if we were going to a vineyard after wards or not.

By the time we were down with a full breakfast and the spa treatments it was already 3pm, so we went to lunch and then it got dark. Once it gets dark there is nothing to do around we went back to the hotel. We met an employee there and asked if they had bonfires...i think they usually didn't have them this time of year, but they started a fire for us around 8pm. The thing was we didn't go to the fire right away, we had dinner reservations at the hotel restaurant's 1854. The food was ok and when we were almost finished with our meal, the staff brought us gram crackers, chocolate, marshmallows, and sticks for roasting marshmallows....s'mores time!!!! We ran out to the bonfire and were the only ones we brought down the laptop (for music) and wine and enjoyed the rest of the night outside again.

That night I learned just how much my roommate liked to play with fire...just to be clear it wasn't dangerous or anything like that, it was more for photo-opts...see for yourself:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rhode Island - Providence & Little Compton Day 1

I have been MIA for a while cuz of work :( and trips :)

Two weeks ago I went to Rhode Island for a relaxing getaway with 4 other people. I am usually not the 'relaxing' traveler, however, that week I really needed it. In addition, I knew the craziness that was heading my way (at work) so knew I had to take it easy.

Day 1: we went to Providence and did the obvious Little Italy and the famous our unfortunate timing they weren't selling fruit or lemon tarts until Jan. I feel like all the fun activities close down after Sept. (couldn't do the barn tours because you had to book in advance...and no waterfire after Oct)

Another issue was eating...since I was going to relax...I wanted to eat what I wanted, when I wanted. And it turns out, all the restaurants I did research on were only open during dinner time :( so we just ended up eating at a random supermarket.

We did a tour of the Breakers mansion and then took pictures along the cliffs. Unfortunately, it got too cold to do the cliff tour (and it was getting dark).

It was already late by the time we made it to the hotel, Stonehouse, so I didn't notice how beautiful it was right away. What I was blown away by at first was the stars in the sky haha. Living in the city you don't see any of that, so even though it was freezing the whole group decided to walk to the beach. (please keep in mind the hotel was not next to the beach and it was pitch one of the hotel staff members gave us his pocket flashlight) The walk was 10-15 minutes, but it was dark...the little flashlight helped a bit but not for all 5 people.

I have a wild imagination, so you can imagine what was going through my mind while we were walking to the beach. Nothing but tall grass on one side of the trail and the lake on the other side...hmm it was either monsters crawling out of the lake or something jumping out of the tall grass or hiding in it looking back at you. I tried to walk in the middle with my boyfriend on one side and my roommate on the other, but they just kept falling out of formation. I was so lame, I actually screamed twice cuz I saw a shadow haha.

By the time we made it to the beach it was too cold to enjoy, I think we sat there for 5 minutes and just turned back for the hotel.

As for the room, it was an interesting layout, a little funny, but I think it was because they renovated an old mansion. The decor was modern but homey at the same time. In both of the bedrooms, it looked like they kept the old sinks but it wasn't in the bathroom, it was in the bedroom haha...I liked the idea but thought they should have actually done something with it so it would have a purpose. Like turn it into an wine bucket (for chilling bottles) or put some plants in it or something.

Another thing I liked was their book selection...they had a lot of books in all 3 rooms...from fiction, to nonfiction, to photography books.